Paranoiac Critical Interiorisations: Odysseus in Mies van der Rohe’s Seagram Building and Buckminster Fuller’s domes

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Simon Weir


Salvador Dali?’s surrealist process, which he named the paranoiac critical method, is a method of generating irrational knowledge through the associative mechanisms of delirious phenomena. Drawing together the story of Odysseus and the Sirens in Homer’s Odyssey and K. Michael Hay’s essay on the modernist dematerialisations of Mies van der Rohe’s Seagram Building (1958) in New York, the paranoiac critical method is employed in an exegesis of Buckminster Fuller’s giant geodesic domes as a continuation of the transformative power of Odysseus’s legendary journey of interiorisation.

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How to Cite
Weir, Simon. 2018. “Paranoiac Critical Interiorisations:: Odysseus in Mies Van Der Rohe’s Seagram Building and Buckminster Fuller’s Domes”. Idea Journal 12 (1):60-71.
text-based research essay
Author Biography

Simon Weir, University of Sydney

Dr Simon Weir is a Lecturer in Architecture, in the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, at The University of Sydney. His research into the foundational mythologies of contemporary architecture ranges from the theatre of the democratic polis to surrealist revelations of latent desires and preoccupations expressed systemically through architecture and its representations.