An ‘Unbecoming’ Cohabitation? Reconsidering the narrative of the Cathedral-Mosque of Co?rdoba

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Sing D'Arcy


The Cathedral-Mosque of Co?rdoba is one of the most well-known and visited sacred sites in Western Europe. It is also regarded as possessing one of the most ‘unbecoming’ cohabitations of interior architectural space. This paper investigates how this unique coupling of spatial types came to earn its infamy, revealing the myth and prejudices involved in its elaboration. Through a review of current research into the space it will be shown that interiors traditionally ‘seen’ as unbecoming can be reconceived, reread or reheard, allowing for new, alternate and open interpretations.

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How to Cite
D’Arcy, Sing. 2013. “An ‘Unbecoming’ Cohabitation? Reconsidering the Narrative of the Cathedral-Mosque of Co?Rdoba”. Idea Journal 13 (1):114-29.
text-based research essay
Author Biography

Sing D'Arcy, University of New South Wales

Sing d’Arcy is a lecturer in Interior Architecture at the University of New South Wales, Australia. He coordinates the final-year graduation studio and the interior technologies courses. His primary research area deals with the configuration of interior architectural space in Early Modern Europe, particularly that of Spain.At the core of this field Sing has explored the roles that ritual,emotions, music and ephemerality played and how these factors shaped the conception, realisation and experience of interiors. As a complimentary area of investigation he is also engaged in research into contemporary Australian interiors such as innovative workplace design, spaces for creative practices and hospitality design.