Eye Candy: the Manhattan residence of Joseph Holtzman

Main Article Content

Lisa Zamberlan


Joseph Holtzman is an interior design practitioner and the former editor-in-chief of the interior design journal nest (26 issues printed from Fall 1997-Winter 2003/2004). Holtzman’s highly embellished interiors readdress prevailing assumptions regarding authenticity and the socio-cultural pleasure of decorated environments.This paper evaluates the private residence of Joseph Holtzman as an interior liberated from traditional concepts of appropriate discretion. By subsuming the perimeter planes and surfaces with voluble expressions of material excess, Holtzman’s residence challenges the understanding of interior design as a mannerly expression of built form. In foregrounding rather than problematising the connotations of artifice and embellishment, Holtzman’s work explores qualities of decoration that provoke, subvert, and renegotiate understandings of propriety in contemporary interior design practice.

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How to Cite
Zamberlan, Lisa. 2013. “Eye Candy:: The Manhattan Residence of Joseph Holtzman”. Idea Journal 13 (1):100-113. https://doi.org/10.37113/ideaj.v0i0.83.
text-based research essay
Author Biography

Lisa Zamberlan, University of New South Wales,

Lisa Zamberlan is a senior lecturer and design studio leader in Interior Architecture at the Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales. She has a Bachelor of Design from the University of South Australia and a Masters of Design (Hons) from the University of New South Wales. From 2009 – 2013, she was Faculty Learning and Teaching Fellow, collaborating on strategic faculty-wide change initiatives to enhance learning and teaching. Lisa has recently published on notions of discipline identity, interdisciplinary learning and teaching in design education, and the future of design practice.