Unsolicited Interiors

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Charity Edwards


Developed from a contemporary theory lecture regarding economic realities and guerilla practice, the studio Unsolicited Interiors proposes political engagement as a critical operation of interior architecture agency via the exploration of contested urban volumes, unsolicited intervention and choreographic occupation. A text and image review of this studio considers student response to political texts, design speculation, and public space disruptions through performance, photography, large-scale model-making and self-initiated actions. Discussion of a series of collaborative interventions with visiting Berlin-based collective raumlabor reinforces a positioning of design activism through acts of provocation and social inquiry as critical to spatial decisions in, and of, the city.

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How to Cite
Edwards, Charity. 2018. “Unsolicited Interiors”. Idea Journal 14 (1):54-65. https://doi.org/10.37113/ideaj.vi0.68.
Refereed Studio