Introduction Interior Technicity

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It is my great pleasure to introduce the newest issue of idea journal

Readers will notice some significant changes to the journal since the 2017 issue Dark Matter. In 2019, the IDEA Board appointed me to lead a new editorial team and commissioned us to envision three issues to be published over the course of three years. Over the past twelve months, the editorial team has been engrossed in several interconnected journal specific initiatives prompted by IDEA’s desire to increase the journal’s ranking and profile internationally, expand its readership, update its visual identity and respond to contemporary issues specific and associated with interiors and interiority.

First, we were charged to put the journal on a path to achieve a Q1 or Q2 status, no small task indeed. Our collective investigations revealed that the criteria required an international publisher of merit, open access, a rigorous review process and at least one issue per year and a minimum of twelve articles per issue amongst other less demanding aspects. With the endorsement of the IDEA Board, we secured Art Architecture Design Research (AADR) as the journal’s publisher, Rochus Hinkel at the helm. This collaboration prompted the journal to be distributed for the foreseeable future in two different ways: first as an e-pub available to individuals and libraries as a full issue on e-pub platforms such as kindle and iBook, with select articles posted on the IDEA website, and a year later, the whole issue available on the IDEA website via open access. In addition, the online metadata and cross-referencing markers were refreshed, including using search engines such as Google Scholar to increase and document the citations each article attracts, an important factor in today’s pressures to publish and demonstrate ‘impact’ and ‘uptake’ as research academics. In less than a few months, citation numbers are up significantly. While the journal website portal continues to offer us new challenges, it is proving to be a very useful tool to structure the call, review, revision and production of idea journal

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How to Cite
Preston, Julieanna. 2020. “Introduction: Interior Technicity”. Idea Journal 17 (01):8-12.
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