Seeing Not Looking

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Anne Wilson


Physician, author, and Professor of Neurology Oliver Sacks tells the story of two people who were blind and had surgery that could give them sight, yet only one could actually see. He concluded that to see, one needs to look.

A drone camera can see without looking. The video Seeing Not Looking tested out how Artificial Intelligence sees, and if it is affected by how humans look and see. In this improvised performance, the drone is programmed to be autonomous—given behaviours to perform in collaboration with the dancers—like an inverted video game in which the drone is the human controller.

The artwork is a video in which my eye, as the editor and director of the performance, guides the viewer into unstable territory of humans conditioned by algorithms, gravity, and spatial limits defined by the drone camera reading sensors attached to each dancer.

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How to Cite
Wilson, Anne. 2020. “Seeing Not Looking”. Idea Journal 17 (02):326-34.
text-based research essay