RMIT exporting education: part one - Singapore design studios. Part two - Singapore urban cyber jewellery. Part three - Artifice park. Part four - INDEX.s '98 exhibition

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Andrea Mina
Ross Mcleod
Tan Kok Meng


In 1996 Interior Design at RMIT1 entered into a partnership agreement with LaSalle/SIA College-of the Arts in Singapore, which offered the School of Architecture and Design at AMIT the opportunity to geographically locate itself within South East Asia in collaboration with an established and respected Arts school.

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How to Cite
Mina, Andrea, Ross Mcleod, and Tan Kok Meng. 2024. “RMIT Exporting education:: Part One - Singapore Design Studios. Part Two - Singapore Urban Cyber Jewellery. Part Three - Artifice Park. Part Four - INDEX.S ’98 Exhibition”. idea journal 1 (1):44-61.
text-based research essay