Side-by-side A Pedagogical Basis for (Design) Transdisciplinarity

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Jill Franz
Steffen Lehmann


In this paper, a pedagogical model for fostering transdisciplinarity in the built environment is described. Unlike learning situations in design education which use multidisciplinary teams, this model is characterised by students working side-by-side on the same project each producing their own proposal. As is explained, the development of this model was inspired by a growing awareness of the need to look beyond discipline boundaries in order to more effectively address issues involving the design of the built environment; issues associated with a rapidly changing and increasingly technologically complex world. In this respect, transdisciplinarity formed the philosophical and theoretical basis for the development and implementation of a cross-discipline studio elective for architecture and interior design students from years three to six in their course. While there are limitations with the model, the evaluation reveals insights into how we might continue with constructing more appropriate learning opportunities for engendering transdisciplinary attitudes in students and graduates.

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How to Cite
Franz, Jill, and Steffen Lehmann. 2024. “Side-by-Side: A Pedagogical Basis for (Design) Transdisciplinarity”. Idea Journal 5 (1):9-30.
text-based research essay