Spaces of Architectural Overcoming

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Cathy Smith


This paper reflects an interest in how interior and landscape sites are connected
in their capacity to exceed or ‘overcome’ architecture and practice conventions of designing, making and use. In professional architectural practice, these conventions are generally treated as distinct and hierarchical steps. This reflects a view of life that is ordered, controlled and deterministic. Referring to ideas that affirm the unpredictable and evolutionary nature of life, I argue for more experimental, improvised spatial practices. I have drawn from Elizabeth Grosz’s writings about space and time to show how we can use change and spontaneous making in everyday life as designing. This has helped me to question how spaces are produced, and the singular design ‘authority’ of the architect or building designer. I have found that working in interior and landscape sites provides more opportunities for unplanned construction connected to the lives of those who inhabit space: opening up architecture and architectural practice to unpredictable forces repressed in professional practice. This paper, part of my doctoral research, explores the conceptual and practical dimensions of experimental interior projects.

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How to Cite
Smith, Cathy. 2024. “Spaces of Architectural Overcoming”. Idea Journal 6 (1):51-59.
text-based research essay