60 A Personal (Pro)position: Finding a Place in Design

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Jane Lawrence
Joanne Cys


The paper will describe an Interior Architecture studio entitled ‘South’ that aimed to develop students’ idiosyncratic design positions. The intention was to establish an individual and regional theoretical approach to underpin and influence a design methodology. This was achieved through a series of personalised design projects which focussed students’ design response to the cultural, social and economic possibilities that characterise their home- state of South Australia. The paper will discuss how the unique projects responded to ethical, political, environmental, cultural and social considerations of occupation and place and resisted stylistic design responses that are often the result of globalisation.

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How to Cite
Lawrence, Jane, and Joanne Cys. 2018. “60 A Personal (Pro)position:: Finding a Place in Design”. Idea Journal 7 (1):60-71. https://doi.org/10.37113/ideaj.vi0.162.
Refereed Studio