From Intimacy to Infinity: exploring the role of interior in 3 short films

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Anthony Fryatt
Roger Kemp
Paul Ritchard
Christine Rogers
David Carlin


This paper discusses interior as a concept used as a motivating principal in a collaborative work between filmmakers and interior designers. This raised work substantial questions in relation to the role of ‘interior’ within each of the films made through the collaboration. Where and how was interior defined and located? What sort of interior relations existed within each of the screenplays? And how might these be represented relative to the various filmic instruments of camera, set, lighting, sound, etc?’

The paper describes and critiques the film-based operations and processes used by the three writer/directors, two interior designers, sound team and cinematographer in the production of interiors within the recent triptych of short films titled Motel.

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How to Cite
Fryatt, Anthony, Roger Kemp, Paul Ritchard, Christine Rogers, and David Carlin. 2009. “From Intimacy to Infinity:: Exploring the Role of Interior in 3 Short Films”. Idea Journal 9 (1):150-61.
text-based research essay
Author Biographies

Anthony Fryatt, RMIT University

Anthony Fryatt is interested in how the interior is informed, understood and affected by the complex spatial conditions that exist within media. Anthony has an interdisciplinary and process led practice that spans retail, brand environments through to installations, models and image. he is a lecturer in Interior Design, school of Architecture and Design, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.

Roger Kemp, RMIT University

Roger Kemp sees the interior as a site of negotiation. his research concentrates on the change of interior environments over time through physical interaction and changes in perception. his work, primarily developed through the production of artefacts, documents and engages with conditions of space determined by a participatory engagement. Methods of navigation and negotiation of space and the creative re-use of existing space are drivers of the research. he is a lecturer in the Interior Design program, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.

Paul Ritchard, RMIT University

Paul Ritchard is a filmmaker and musician. Currently he is involved in the ‘Motel project’, which is producing a triptych of films. It is investigating parallel storytelling, parallel time in editing and new methods of collaborating. These issues will inform his teaching practice and further pedagogical research.

Christine Rogers, RMIT University

Christine Rogers is a lecturer in screenwriting and screen production in Media, school of Media and Communication RMIT. Christine is an independent writer and filmmaker who has written and directed a number of short films and a short feature, which have screened in local and international festivals. She has a number of creative projects in development including a feature film with a New Zealand producer, and a local TV series. She is also writing a creative non-fiction book.

David Carlin, RMIT University

David Carlin is a writer, director and Lecturer in Media at RMIT University. David has recently published in Overland, Senses of Cinema and Text, and has a book of creative non-fiction to be published by Scribe Publications in 2010. He has written and directed short films, documentaries, plays and a circus, and his work has been screened/ performed in Australia and at festivals internationally. His PhD from the University of Melbourne, by creative writing project and dissertation, investigated questions of memory and narrative.