The Junction of Interior Territories: Chinese shop– houses in Chong Kneas, Cambodia

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Tijen Roshko


This study focuses on the Chinese community and their shop-houses as the linking element between their unique culture and their identity within the floating village of Chong Kneas, Cambodia. The domestic built environments of the Chinese community are analysed within a theoretical framework which incorporates three principal elements, identification with space, sense of belonging, and cultural identity. This vernacular study applies interdisciplinary methodology to examine Chinese shop-house spatial development with a particular emphasis on interior territorial intersections, and also merges theoretical and experimental approaches in order to develop a deeper understanding of the junction of interior territories where the private and public realms intersect.

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How to Cite
Roshko, Tijen. 2018. “The Junction of Interior Territories:: Chinese shop– Houses in Chong Kneas, Cambodia”. Idea Journal 9 (1):134-49.
text-based research essay
Author Biography

Tijen Roshko, University of Manitoba

Tijen Roshko is currently an Assistant professor in the Department of Interior Design at the University of Manitoba. Tijen has earned both a Master’s Degree in Nuclear physics and a bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design. she is actively pursuing research on the vernacular architecture of Cambodia. her teaching philosophy centers on the implementation of new methodologies and techniques, particularly in the areas of bio-design, intelligent materials and wearable technologies.