Spatial Entrails: themes from Surrealism and Psychoanalysis in the interiors of Sugar Suite

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Michael Chapman


This paper looks at theoretical perspectives that emerge in a recent hair and beauty interior in Newcastle by the design practice herd. The clean white curvilinear interiors of Sugar Suite, cloaked by transparent images of fashion, engage a number of ideas relating to early avant-garde experiments with interiors, and particularly Surrealism. Demonstrating an ancestry with the work of Kiesler, Dali and Maar, this paper will use key ideas drawn from Surrealism and Psychoanalysis to decode the sensual interiors and the theoretical frameworks that support them.

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How to Cite
Chapman, Michael. 2009. “Spatial Entrails:: Themes from Surrealism and Psychoanalysis in the Interiors of Sugar Suite”. Idea Journal 9 (1):96-109.
text-based research essay
Author Biography

Michael Chapman, University of Newcastle

Michael Chapman is a Lecturer at the University of Newcastle where he teaches architectural design, history, theory and research methods. He is currently finishing his PhD in architecture concerned with the relationship between surrealism and architectural theory. his research has been published in journals and at conferences nationally and internationally. Together with Michael Ostwald and Chris Tucker he is the author of Residue: Architecture as a Condition of Loss, which was published by the RMIT press in 2007. he is the director of hrmphrdt which is an architecture practice focussing on residential projects and art collaborations.