Urban interiors. Artificial territories. designing ‘spatial script’ for relational field

Main Article Content

Elena Enrica Giunta


The topic of this paper highlights the relevance of interior design for urban regeneration. The aim of the paper is to outline the role of (urban) interior design as the initiator, with its own specific know-how and tools, from which to promote processes of re-signification of public and collective spaces. It is argued that interior design activity conceived in this way enables citizens, and more generally users of those places, to activate ‘processes of use’ which are more coherent with the logic and needs of contemporary urban culture. The research is grounded in selected definitions in order to build a precise conceptual framework in which to move. This in turn has produced a series of visions and a set of operational tools able to facilitate both the intervention of the designer as conductor/mediator of the process and the community of users involved as future users of that place or environmental system.

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How to Cite
Giunta, Elena Enrica. 2009. “Urban Interiors. Artificial Territories. Designing ‘spatial script’ for Relational Field”. Idea Journal 9 (1):52-61. https://doi.org/10.37113/ideaj.vi0.141.
text-based research essay
Author Biography

Elena Enrica Giunta, Politecnico di Milano

Elena Enrica Giunta is a designer; who graduated in 2005 from Politecnico di Milano, with research into new trends in sacred spaces design. she participated in two different research projects about cultural heritage located in the Oltrepo Mantovano area (north-east of Italy) and the second in S.Leopoldo village (brazil). since 2003 she has been involved in professional activities in exhibition design for commercial spaces and visual design, and also in set design. Currently, she is undertaking a PhD in Design and Multimedia Communication with her topic concerning urban interior design and adaptive reuse. she is also tutoring in a number of courses in Interior Design at the Politecnico di Milano.