Tender and true: the place the time the particle

Main Article Content

Linda Marie Walker
Jude Walton


This paper is premised on two vaguely related ideas: the thinking through of a performance practice that produces itself through ‘preparation’ and ‘doing’ (makes itself on the floor); the thinking through of an interior spatial practice that performs (itself) as an ecology of differences. Territory is (made or exhausted by) movement – movement that undoes, un(de)designs, yet is active like chance and carnival. Territory arising over and over by force – enduring without purpose. A space for the shaman, or transforming (through rites and rituals); composed or assembled – to see what happens, to be active not re-active. A space, anywhere, for intuition and improvisation, for performing as living-being in such a way as to disperse ‘territory’, make of territory a field – immaterial wisps, whispers, scents, touches, emerging from material the matter of experience, of relations, mixes, atmospheres. A field, almost imperceptible, for quietening, for losing one’s ground, for expanding the situation of the body, its velocity or shape, or its capacity for ‘joy’.

The images by Jude Walton that accompany this text are evocations from a rehearsal-practice where the dancer, Phoebe Robinson, informs her body of the placement and materials of everyday objects in everyday situations. By an insistent repetition the ‘thing’s teach her the exact relationship her fingers, hands, legs, head – her entire body bit by bit – must ‘take-up’ (an offering of the things) so as to remember and perform their absence. This rehearsal-practice is a collaboration between Jude and Phoebe; it eventuates in site-specific public performances.

Article Details

How to Cite
Walker, Linda Marie, and Jude Walton. 2009. “Tender and true:: The Place the Time the Particle”. Idea Journal 9 (1):42-51. https://doi.org/10.37113/ideaj.vi0.140.
text-based research essay
Author Biographies

Linda Marie Walker, University of South Australia

Linda Marie Walker is a senior lecturer in the school of Art, Architecture, Design, University of south Australia. She is a writer, artist and curator. Her research interests include language-based writing, performative practices, and drawing. She is chair-person of the Australian Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide.

Jude Walton, Victoria University

Jude Walton is an artist/academic currently teaching performance at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. Her art practice includes interests in writing, philosophy, dance, spatial design, architecture, video, and all sorts of ephemera. An ongoing project is dancing the book: looking at artists’ books and dance’ and is based around the artists’ book collection in the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum. It explores the possible relations between body and book, dance and writing, action and the word.