Finding a space for the practice of interior design

Main Article Content

Joanne Cys


Despite recent intensity in discourse surrounding the definition and territory of interior design as a practice and a field of study in professional and academic forums around the world, little consideration has been given to the process and outcomes of contemporary interior design practice, and how analysis of it may (or may not) contribute to interior design’s persistent discussions of contested definition of identity and territory. This paper seeks to find a position within the current literature that allows justifiable discussion of contemporary interior design practice methodologies and projects. Using examples of awarded projects from Australia’s annual peer judged interior design awards program, analysis of contemporary interior design practice is positioned within the context of the main themes of this continuing debate.

Article Details

How to Cite
Cys, Joanne. 2009. “Finding a Space for the Practice of Interior Design”. Idea Journal 9 (1):20-31.
text-based research essay
Author Biography

Joanne Cys, University of South Australia

Joanne Cys is Associate professor in Interior Architecture at the school of Art, Architecture and Design at the University of south Australia. she is National president of the Design Institute of Australia. In 2003, Joanne was made a Fellow of the DIA and from 2004 – 2008 she was the Convenor of Juries of the Interior Design Awards. she is Australia’s representative to the global Design Network and the Asia Pacific Space Designers Association.