Affective territories

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Jan Smitheram
Ian Woodcock


This paper argues that ‘affect’ is not just incidental but central to understanding interior territories. The paper is set out in three principal parts. The first sets out the main approaches to understanding affect and territory. The second considers the ways in which affect has become central to understanding interiors. Explored in this section of the paper are two recent publications on interiors Thinking Inside the Box and Interior Atmosphere. The third section sets out a different kind of theorising that might be possible once affect is taken into account alongside the insights from post-structuralist theorisation.

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How to Cite
Smitheram, Jan, and Ian Woodcock. 2009. “Affective Territories”. Idea Journal 9 (1):8-19.
text-based research essay
Author Biographies

Jan Smitheram, Victoria University of Wellington

Jan Smitheram is a lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington. her PhD carried out at the Faculty of Architecture, building and planning, University of Melbourne, Australia looked at the relationship between performance and performativity within the context of architecture. her current work extends this area of research to look at the relationship between performativity, affect and interiors.

Ian Woodcock, Melbourne University

Ian Woodcock is a research fellow at the University of Melbourne. he is also carrying out his PhD at the University of Melbourne on re-making public space: Multiculturalism and Urban Design in Melbourne.