Interior Territories: exposing the critical interior

Main Article Content

Gini Lee


Exploration of the critical issues facing environments and societies posed through interior discourse and design practice is the theme of concern for Interior Territories: exposing the critical interior. Can thinking conceptually on interior territories – which infers significant relationships with both located place and speculative fields – uncover emerging spatial and temporal practices alongside the material and immaterial ecologies that contribute to a particularly interior discourse? In response to this provocation, writers, educators and practitioners concerned with interiors and its associated disciplines have offered a broad exposition of theoretical writing around built, un-realised and speculative interior projects that are located inside and/or outside, in the city or in remote wilderness, in the public gallery or in the domestic realm. These writings and visual essays expose a number of altered practices and collaborations, which may be considered trans-disciplinary. The IDEA JOURNAL presents accounts of writing and projects that move across disciplinary perspectives and temporal and political systems to express an open-ended enquiry into an expanded territory of the interior. In this issue, it is becoming clear that the nature of interior research is no longer contained within matters habitually considered the domain of the interior.

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How to Cite
Lee, Gini. 2009. “Interior Territories:: Exposing the Critical Interior”. Idea Journal 9 (1):2-7.
Author Biography

Gini Lee, Queensland University of Technology

Gini Lee is a landscape architect and interior designer and is professor of Landscape Architecture at Queensland University of Technology. she is the current Executive Editor of the IDEA Journal of the Interior Design Interior Architecture Educators Association. Until early 2008 she was a researcher and lecturer in spatial interior design and cultural landscape studies at the Louis Laybourne smith school of Architecture and Design, University of south Australia. her PhD entitled The Intention to Notice: the collection, the tour and ordinary landscapes, investigated ways in which landscapes and interiors are incorporated into the cultural understandings of individuals and communities through ephemeral thinking.