Enhancement of Critical and Analytical Thinking in the Context of Interior Design History

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Kyuho Ahn
Mihyun Kang


Through this study, a pedagogical case study was developed, implemented, and disseminated in which students applied interior design historical contexts to a studio project based on Beecher’s design history education framework suggesting that design history should be taught to engage students in critical and analytical thinking and to integrate the knowledge gained into current design applications.1 Students were asked to develop an exhibition design installation(Application) as a team project based on the team’s analysis of a design topic or artifact of its choice (Analytical/Critical Thinking) from the existing 1885-1925 exhibition (Accessibility). A focus group study was conducted to investigate students’ perceptions regarding design history while they worked on this project and then to investigate learning outcomes once they had completed it. Intellectual engagement and learning progress were observed in the students; these may have resulted from the integrated application of the material within an actual design problem. Three major learning outcomes: engagement, critical/analytical thinking, and understanding of design history in multidimensional contexts, were observed. Additionally, students experienced positive aspects of design skill learning due to the actual installation of the project. This study provided a comprehensive view of how the students responded to interior design history in their design problems.

Article Details

How to Cite
Ahn, Kyuho, and Mihyun Kang. 2010. “Enhancement of Critical and Analytical Thinking in the Context of Interior Design History”. Idea Journal 10 (1):116-27. https://doi.org/10.37113/ideaj.v0i0.132.
text-based research essay
Author Biographies

Kyuho Ahn, University of Oregon

Kyuho Ahn is an Assistant professor of Interior Architecture at the University of Oregon. his research and practice lie in the area of exhibition and commercial design, with emphasis on consumer response to environmental stimuli, “Atmospherics,” and cultural studies. he previously taught interior design at Oklahoma state University and California state University, Fresno. his professional work includes a Korean Airlines exhibit, LG Electronics brand shops, SK grocery stores, SsangYong Motors exhibits, and an LG semiconductor museum.

Mihyun Kang, Oklahoma State University

Mihyun Kang is an Assistant professor at Oklahoma state University. she holds a PhD in interior design from University of Minnesota, a MA in interior design from Iowa State University, and a BS in housing and interior design from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. she has commercial interior design experience that includes work in Korea and the United states. she was an Assistant professor at the University of California Davis. her research focuses on sustainable interior design and methodological exploration and utilization for special population. she has presented at national and international conferences and has published in several scholarly journals.