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Andrea Branzi


1 - The city as a high-tech favela.
2 - The city as a personal computer every 20sm.
3 - The city as a place for a cosmic hospitality.
4 - The city as an air-conditioned full-space.
5 - The city as a genetic laboratory.
6 - The city as a living plancton.
7 - research models of weak urbanization.
8 - realize faded and crossable borders.
9 - realize reversible and light infrastructures.
10 - realize great transformations through micro-projects.

Article Details

How to Cite
Branzi, Andrea. 2010. “TEN MODEsT SUGGEsTIONs FOr A NEW AThENs ChArTEr”. Idea Journal 10 (1):12-13. https://doi.org/10.37113/ideaj.v0i0.119.
text-based research essay
Author Biography

Andrea Branzi, Politecnico di Milano

Andrea Branzi, architect and designer was born in Florence in 1938, where he graduated in 1966. since 1973 he has been living and working in Milan. From 1964 to 1974 he was part of Archizoom Associates, the avant-garde group whose projects are currently preserved at the Centre for Communication studies and Archives at the University of parma, and his thesis and several projects are kept at the Centre Georges pompidou paris. Co-founder of Domus Academy, the first international school of post-graduate design he has authored numerous books on the history and theory of Design, and has curated numerous exhibitions of this sector Italy and abroad. In 1987 he received the Career Golden Compass. he is professor and Chairman at the Faculty of Interior Design at the politecnico di Milano.