Interior Economies: Money, markets, labour, politics, culture, land, people, objects, desire and space (not always in that order)

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Julieanna Preston


“I am an economist, an economist who believes that the future economy will be an economy of quality.” 1

Cultural economist, publisher and research academic Harry Hillman-Chartrand wrote these bold and inspiring words in 1987. Given the current volatile and fragile state of local and global economies twenty-five years later, these words beg critical reflection. Has this future economy of quality come to bear? If so, how might interior design be implicated?

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How to Cite
Preston, Julieanna. 2011. “Interior Economies:: Money, Markets, Labour, Politics, Culture, Land, People, Objects, Desire and Space (not Always in That Order)”. Idea Journal 11 (1):2-7.
Author Biography

Julieanna Preston, Massey University

Julieanna Preston is a spatial designer recognised internationally for her trans-disciplinary creative practice research on the politics of interior environments and material surfaces. Her research navigates between theoretical inquiry and material invention explored through sculptural objects, performative installations, visual images and scholarly-based publications. These works disclose an affirmative feminist agency applied to every day interior space and furnishings. This speculative research has advanced knowledge on material vitality and gendered space in the context of curated exhibitions such as “BALE”, “BLAZE”, “No Fixed Seating”, “SHEAR: SWELL” and “13%: This is my feminist feminine survival kit”. Her design-writing practice includes two edited books, INTIMUS: Interior Design Theory Reader (2006 with Mark Taylor) and Interior Atmospheres, book chapter “Blazing Inter-alia: Tropes of a Feminist Interior Practice” (Princeton Architectural Press, 2011) and a solo performative installation entitled BALE featured at Snowhite Gallery, Auckland, NZ. Forthcoming works include creative practice contextualized in visual essays “Lining Stories: Conversations with Inside Trades” (Fairchild, 2012), “Neutral, not so” (Berg, 2012), and “Live (red) Matter” (Berg, 2012). Julieanna is an Associate Professor and the School of Design Postgraduate Coordinator within the College of Creative Arts, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand.